Friday, September 22, 2006

Its gotta end...

Mom has to do some thing about Lavy and she needs to do it NOW!

This morning mom took Lavy and I out for the usual potty stop before our days in the jail cells crates. We ran around a little bit, and then I had to stop and take a poo. All of the sudden, Lavy runs up, grabs my leash and tries to drag me away…I wasn’t even FINISHED yet. Mom was laughing so hard, she was crying. A lot of help she is!

I mean COME ONE…I can’t even POOP in peace???? Sheesh!!!! Do you need anymore proof that girls are stupid???? I think not.

When we go out when mom gets home at the end of the day mom gives us tennis balls to play with. I get the yellow one, Lav gets the red one. Easy to remember, right? APPARENTLY NOT! Lavy ALWAYS tries to steal my ball…it’s MY ball. Does mom do anything about it????? NOOOOOO!!!! More examples of how girls are stupid, Mom not included.

I may have to pack up my things and move to California to be with my Grandparents and Auntie. I know that they would treat me much better never torment me.

I am going to go plot my escape trip from this hell hole wonderful place to California…do you think I will like it there?

Woof. Woof.

Ollie the Vagabond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ollie...I know that you would love California. But I also know that you would miss your mom. Perhaps your best bet would be to learn to deal with girls, someday you may actually learn to appreciate us.