Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Mom was off for over a month...almost two actually. She actually had the NERVE to go back to work and lock Lavy and I in jail crates. She is a bad mom. Someone needs to alert the ASPCA, HSUS, PETA, IRS, CIA, FBI....any will do...JUST HELP ME!

So we accidently got out of our crates the other day and did a little redecorating...we cant help it. Lavy and I have a different idea than mom on how the house should look...we were just trying to help is all. She should have been GRATEFUL! Some people...There is just no pleasing them.

I am really not liking other dogs at all these days. They just run up into my face and it scares me. Mom is trying to help me to like new dogs again, but its hard for me. I want to please her, but I dont really want to be friends with anyone new. I have Lavy (though replacing her with some cute German Shepard would be FINE by me) and my cousins (Auntie Michelle's "kids"), what do I need more friends for?

Because Lavy MADE me help her redecorate the house, I have a feeling that Santa Paws it going to pass RIGHT over our house...if that happens I am SOOO going to get her. No kidding.

Well...I should really get back to writing my letters about the abuse that takes place in this house. It is truly distrubing.

Woof. Woof.
Ollie The Beaten

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