Friday, November 03, 2006


I have been grounded. Shocking, I know.

I wasnt even that bad...ALL I did was help Lavy chew buttons off moms blazer and then got caught watching Lavy tear the comforter to shreds. Lavy convinced mom that I was in on the whole thing, so we both got grounded.

See....more proof that sisters are BAD.

Its been a good two weeks though, because mom has been home and spending a lot of time with us. Thats about to change, cause she found a new job...better paying too, so you know what that means? MORE TREATS FOR ME! Treats are gooo-oooo-oooood!

I am kind of glad that mom is going back to work though, because then I get to use the computer again...she has kind of been a computer hog all this time.

I have to find a way to conspire with my friendly Riley on how to escape, because apparently HIS parents want to get him a sister too...poor dog!

Woof. Woof.
Ollie Pants

1 comment:

Riley said...

Woof Woof Ollie,

Sorry that you didn't get to come to the dog park. It was a blast. And, my mom had lots of treats for me and my pals.

Guess what - my mom told me to actually lie on my last blog. See, my mom and dad had steak. And, my grandma is a really, really health nut. Grandma doesn't like when dogs have people food. So, my mom gave me some steak. Just a couple of tiny bites. Oh, and dad let me lick the steak juice off the plate.

Just so you know, I really did try the green beans. They weren't too bad. I just like the steak better.

Ollie - I have a really good idea. I'm trying to find a new home for the dumb costume they got for me, but didn't fit me. No, No, No, I don't think it would fit you. It might look lovely on Lavvy though. And heck, who cares if it doesn't look good. It would probably be better if it just looked stupid on her. Are you game?
